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Get a Dubai Residence Visa as an Egyptian: Key Considerations and Costs

visa dubai egyptian

Dubai, a dazzling gem in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), lures thousands of expatriates every year with its dynamic economy, tax-free living, high-quality lifestyle, and stunning architecture. Among those drawn to its allure are many Egyptians looking to capitalize on the city’s booming business scene or simply enjoy its vibrant lifestyle. If you’re an Egyptian citizen considering this move, one crucial aspect you’ll need to understand is the process and cost of obtaining a Dubai residence visa. This article will guide you through the two popular routes to achieve this: by opening a Dubai Mainland Company and a Free Zone Company.

Dubai Residence Visa as an Egyptian

Visa Through a Dubai Mainland Company

The Mainland Company route is one popular option for obtaining a residence visa in Dubai. By establishing a mainland company, you create a legal entity that can operate seamlessly across the UAE, without restrictions on business locations or activities.

Mainland companies have the potential to apply for an unlimited number of employee visas, although this is typically contingent on the size of the business premises. This option can be an excellent fit for entrepreneurs planning to scale their operations and need the flexibility of adding staff without visa-related constraints.

The cost of obtaining a residence visa through a mainland company varies and largely depends on the number of employees and the size of the business. This cost includes the visa processing fee, medical examination fee, and the Emirates ID fee. It’s worth noting that while the initial setup cost might seem substantial, the potential returns from the unrestricted trade environment offered by mainland companies can be a worthwhile investment.



Visa Through a Free Zone Company

An alternative route to a Dubai residence visa is through setting up a company in one of the many free zones in the UAE. Free zones are designated areas designed to promote foreign investment with benefits such as 100% foreign ownership, zero taxes, and simplified registration processes.

Unlike mainland companies, free zone companies generally have a limit on the number of visas they can apply for. However, many free zones offer license packages that include visa eligibility, often providing up to six visas per license.

The cost of a residence visa for a free zone company is typically included in the package cost of setting up the company. Note that while the cost can vary between different free zones, it usually covers the company registration, licensing, and visa processing fees.

It’s important to remember that the free zone company visa, which was previously valid for three years, now only holds a validity of two years. Despite this change, the benefits of 100% ownership, tax exemptions, and operational ease make it an attractive route for many expatriates, including Egyptians.


Navigating the process of obtaining a residence visa in Dubai can be complex, and it’s always recommended to seek legal advice or consult with a business setup specialist. With the right planning and knowledge, your dream of living and working in Dubai can become a reality.

The path from Egypt to Dubai unveils a tapestry of new prospects. Explore the incentives and essentials of setting roots in this energetic city, preparing yourself for the exciting voyage that Dubai promises.

How Can Choose UAE Help

Choose UAE offers personalized guidance and support for obtaining your Dubai residence visa. Our experts simplify the application process, whether you opt for a Dubai Mainland Company or a Free Zone Company. We handle all requirements and paperwork, ensuring a hassle-free experience. Contact Choose UAE now to make your move to Dubai seamless.

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