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Obtaining a Coaching Service License in Dubai: A Comprehensive Guide

coaching service license dubai

The coaching industry is experiencing rapid growth in Dubai, making it an ideal location for those looking to offer their expertise in various fields such as life coaching, business coaching, or sports coaching. To legally operate a coaching service in Dubai, you need to obtain a coaching service license. In this blog post, Choose UAE will provide an overview of the steps involved in acquiring a coaching service license in Dubai.

Coaching Service License in Dubai

Step 1: Determine Your Coaching Niche

Before applying for a coaching service license, decide on the specific coaching niche you want to focus on. This could include life coaching, executive coaching, or sports coaching, among others. Your chosen niche will dictate the type of license you need and the relevant authorities to approach.

Step 2: Choose the Appropriate Licensing Authority

Depending on your coaching niche and desired business location, you will need to approach the relevant licensing authority. For example, if you plan to operate within a free zone, you will need to apply for a license through the free zone authority. On the other hand, if you intend to establish your coaching business in mainland Dubai, the Department of Economic Development (DED) will be the licensing authority.

Step 3: Register Your Company

To obtain a coaching service license, you first need to register your company in Dubai. This involves selecting a suitable company structure, choosing a trade name that adheres to local guidelines, and submitting the required documents to the relevant authority. You may also need to open a corporate bank account and secure office space for your coaching business.

Step 4: Apply for a Coaching Service License

After your company registration is complete, proceed with applying for a coaching service license from the relevant authority. The application process usually requires the submission of extra documents, including evidence of qualifications, certifications, and experience in your coaching area. Keep in mind that license fees may differ based on your selected business location and authority. To avoid expensive errors, it’s recommended to seek assistance from experts like Choose UAE. Feel free to contact us or use our cost calculator for guidance and support.

Step 5: Obtain Necessary Permits and Certifications

Depending on your coaching niche, you may need additional permits or certifications to operate legally in Dubai. For example, if you are offering sports coaching services, you may need approval from the relevant sports authority. Ensure that you have all necessary permits and certifications in place before commencing your coaching services.



By following these steps, you can obtain a coaching service license in Dubai and embark on a rewarding career in the thriving coaching industry. With the proper license, you can offer your coaching services to clients in Dubai and take advantage of the numerous opportunities available in this dynamic city.

How Can Choose UAE Help

Choose UAE, an award-winning company formation and growth service provider, is committed to supporting entrepreneurs throughout every stage of their business journey. Get in touch with us today to learn more about obtaining a coaching service license in Dubai and kickstarting your coaching business in this thriving market.

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