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How to Start an IT Company in Dubai

how to start it company in dubai

Starting an IT company in the heart of the Middle East – Dubai – is indeed a promising venture. The city is celebrated as a global tech hub, fostering a supportive ecosystem that invites tech entrepreneurs worldwide. Central to this entrepreneurial journey is securing a trade license, your passport to officially conduct business in Dubai. In this guide, we’ll simplify the process of how to start an IT company in Dubai and explore how Choose UAE can make your business setup journey even smoother.

How to Start an IT Company in Dubai

Step 1: Define Your Business Activity & Select a Trade Name

The first stride towards launching your IT company in Dubai involves crystalizing your business activity. IT industry spans various niches such as software development, IT consultancy, digital services, hardware manufacturing, etc. Identifying your specific domain determines the category of the license you need.

Subsequent to defining your business activity, you must select a unique and meaningful trade name for your company. Your trade name essentially becomes your business identity, so it should ideally reflect your line of services. Once you have shortlisted a few options, you’ll need to reserve your trade name with the Department of Economic Development (DED).

Step 2: Secure Initial Approval and Trade License

After reserving your trade name, it’s time to secure the initial approval from DED. This stage signifies the government’s consent for you to proceed with the business setup process.

Following the initial approval, the critical juncture arrives – obtaining your trade license. This official document permits you to operate your IT company legally within Dubai. The process involves submitting the initial approval certificate, the reserved trade name, passport copies of the owners and managers, and other necessary documents to DED. After a thorough review of your paperwork, DED issues your trade license, giving you the green light to start your IT operations in the city.

Step 3: Register with Ejari and Kickstart Your Operations

The final step in your business setup journey requires you to register your trade license with Ejari, Dubai’s official portal for rental contract registration. Given that a physical or virtual office space is a prerequisite for obtaining a trade license, registration with Ejari concludes the process. With this, your IT company in Dubai is officially ready to begin operations.



How Can Choose UAE Help

The process of starting an IT company in Dubai, although promising, can seem extensive. However, with Choose UAE by your side, this can be a smooth sail. Our team of seasoned professionals specializes in streamlining business setup in the UAE. We understand the nuances of the local business landscape and can efficiently navigate you through the trade license acquisition process. With our expert guidance, you can focus on what truly matters – your business. Contact Choose UAE today, and let’s make your entrepreneurial vision in Dubai a reality.

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