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Sponsoring Spouse in the UAE: A Comprehensive Guide

sponsoring spouse in the uae

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) offers a conducive environment for expatriates not just to work but also to have their families join them. Sponsoring your spouse in the UAE is a process facilitated by the country’s welcoming immigration policies, provided you meet certain requirements. This blog outlines the steps, documentation, and costs involved in sponsoring your spouse, focusing on those who have established their business in the UAE.

Sponsoring Spouse in the UAE

Starting with the Basics

To sponsor your spouse in the UAE, you initially need to have a valid business license and your own residence visa. The cost of obtaining a business license starts from AED 5,750, while personal visa expenses begin at AED 3,700. These prerequisites ensure you are legally established in the UAE and capable of supporting your spouse.

Required Documents for Spousal Sponsorship

Sponsoring your spouse involves submitting several essential documents to UAE immigration authorities:

Original Marriage Certificate: It must be attested by the UAE embassy in the country of origin and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the UAE. If the certificate is in a foreign language other than Arabic or English, it must be legally translated.

Spouse’s Passport: A colored copy with at least 7 months of validity. Depending on the spouse’s current status in the UAE, you may need to provide a copy of the tourist or visit visa with an entry stamp, a recent entry stamp (for nationals from countries that don’t require a pre-arranged visa), a canceled residence visa along with the cancellation paper, or simply a colored passport copy if the spouse is outside the UAE.

Additional Requirements:

  • Passport size photo of the spouse with a white background.
  • Original passport of the sponsor with at least 7-month validity.
  • UAE residence visa of the sponsor with at least 6-month validity.
  • 6-month bank statements stamped by the bank (for employees).
  • Emirates ID Card of the sponsor.
  • Recent DEWA/utility bill or original tenancy contract/attested title deed as proof of residence.
  • Valid medical insurance for the spouse.
  • Passport photo for the dependent (white background).

Note: Sponsoring individuals from restricted nationalities (such as Iranian, Nigerian, Iraqi, etc.) is subject to approval.



Costs Involved

The pricing for spousal sponsorship varies based on the dependent’s age, including all necessary fees such as visa, medical test, and Emirates ID:

  • AED 4,850 for dependents aged 18 and above.
  • AED 4,550 for dependents aged below 18.
  • Additionally, a security deposit of AED 3,000 is required for immigration, which is refundable.

How Can Choose UAE Help

Navigating through the process of sponsoring your spouse in the UAE can be complex, with various legal requirements and paperwork involved. This is where Choose UAE steps in to simplify the process for you. Our team of experts is well-versed in UAE immigration laws and can provide you with the guidance and support needed to ensure your spousal sponsorship application is successful.

Contact us today to get your UAE business license and start the process of bringing your spouse to live with you in the UAE.

Choose UAE is your partner in not just setting up your business but also in making the UAE a home for your family. Let us help you through this important step with ease and confidence.

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