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How to Establish a Computer Software Company in UAE

how to establish computer software company in uae

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an ideal location for setting up a computer software company, thanks to its technological advancements, strong IT infrastructure, and a diverse pool of talent. Moreover, the UAE government has instituted a robust regulatory framework that facilitates the establishment of software companies, both in free zones and the mainland, based on your specific business needs. In this article, Choose UAE will guide you through the process of how to establish a computer software company in UAE and the routes to obtaining a trade license.

How to Establish a Computer Software Company in UAE

Understanding the Business Landscape

The UAE’s business environment is ripe for software companies, marked by high internet usage, ongoing digital transformation projects, and an ever-increasing demand for state-of-the-art software solutions. This presents a prime opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to found software businesses.

Choosing the Right Jurisdiction: Free Zone or Mainland?

The choice between establishing your software company in a free zone or the mainland depends largely on your business objectives. If you’re targeting global clients and don’t intend to set up a physical office, a free zone might be the ideal choice. On the other hand, if you aim to target the local UAE market and plan on setting up an office, a mainland setup would be more suitable.

Free Zone Setup

Setting up in a free zone comes with numerous benefits, including 100% foreign ownership, certain tax reliefs, and an easy business setup process. It is essential to pick a free zone that resonates with your business requirements. Once the free zone is chosen, the next step is to apply for a trade license by providing the required documents and fees, following which the authority will review your application and issue the license.

Mainland Setup

Establishing a business on the mainland allows you to directly target the local market. This necessitates obtaining a trade license from the Department of Economic Development (DED). The procedure involves picking a business activity, reserving a company name, renting a physical office, and securing initial and final approvals from the DED. For a mainland entity, you also need to hire a local service agent for commercial activities but can retain complete company ownership.

How Can We Help

obtaining a trade license in the UAE can be complex, especially without familiarity with local laws and business procedures. This is where we step in. Our experienced team can guide you through every step of the process, simplifying procedures and ensuring compliance. We can help you choose the ideal jurisdiction for your business, assist with the trade license application, and offer continued support as your business grows. Contact us.



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